Alexandre mathys

Alexandre Mathys is a Visiting Scholar in National Taiwan University. Trained as a historian, he also obtained a master's degree in Asian studies and did many academic stays in Asia. He is currently achieving a thesis in social sciences, after more than 10 years as a former history teacher. His actual research revolves around the globalization and dissemination of Chinese martial arts in a context of soft power and cultural diplomacy. These recent grounds have led him to refocus this issue in the relations between China and the African countries. In addition to his work as a researcher and teacher, he is a former wushu athlete. He has also been teaching traditional Chinese martial arts including Liuhe quan, Bagua zhang and Xingyi quan for 20 years.



Ai-Cheng Ho received her PhD in Theatre and Arts of the Stage from l’Université Franche-­‐Comté in 2022. Her research investigates the uses of Taijiquan practice and philosophy in preparation of actors and theatrical performance. Ai-Cheng is particularly interested in the practical theatrical innovations that arise through this transcultural and interdisciplinary encounter between a Chinese martial art and contemporary Western theater. Before starting her doctoral work, Ai-Cheng has been trained in Chinese Kun Opera in Taiwan and studied theatre at École Jacques Lecoq in Paris. In addition to her academic research and training, Ai-Cheng is a theatre teacher, Taiji quan instructor, actress, and theatre producer having worked on performances in Taiwan, Europe and the United States.